Hall of Fame (Legislative Days 30-35)
A few weeks ago we spent an update introducing you to some of the Alligators in the Swamp who were causing trouble for pro-life legislation, like pro-abortion lobbyist John Walraven. As important as it is to know about mischief-makers who want to sabotage pro-life legislation and threaten pro-life lobbyists, it is equally important to know about pro-life champions who are investing political and personal influence in promoting pro-life legislation.
This week, let’s take a look at the 2016 Legislative Session Pro-Life Hall of Fame (in alphabetical order):
Commissioner Echols has been a friend to GRTL for decades, long before his days of elected office when he was running TeenPact. This session, Commissioner Echols assisted in the scheduling of the Pillars of Personhood display inside the State Capitol Rotunda, as well as hosted two Unholy Tours to shed light on the blight of sex trafficking in our state.
Representative Efstration is beloved by those around him as a humble, genuine, passionate person who does not compromise in his defense of the vulnerable. This session, Rep. Efstration championed HB 770, a much-needed expansion of current state law regarding sex trafficking, which protects adults with developmental disabilities, and aids undercover law enforcement in building cases against those who buy and sell victims for sex.
Sarah Hughes
Sarah approached us at the Georgia GOP convention last summer and challenged us to support laws that would protect women and children like her and her son. Sarah became pregnant as a result of rape and was later terrorized by the predator-father. Her story is convicting and is the reason behind HB 713 and SB 331. Her willingness to stand up and be a voice for those who are victimized is rooted in a strength and courage we can only hope to emulate.
Senator Bruce Thompson and Rep. Brad Raffensperger
Senator Thompson and Rep. Raffensperger heard about women like Sarah Hughes and Shauna Prewitt who are later victimized by their rapist as they seek to gain sole custody of their children. Sen. Thompson and Rep. Raffensperger rose to the challenge of changing Georgia’s laws to protect victims of rapists. HB 713 and SB 331 have been in motion since last summer, and the hard work of these two pro-life champions has gotten us merely one vote away from sending SB 331 to the Governor’s desk and defending these women and children once and for all.
Senator Unterman has been one of the strongest pro-life supporters ever to walk the halls of the State Capitol. Many of the efforts in Georgia to end abortion, end sex trafficking, defend women and children, or promote pregnancy centers have Senator Unterman’s fingerprints on it. This session, she introduced legislation from GRTL to protect patients at the end of life and has a bill supported by the Senate Republican Caucus that provides state grants for pregnancy centers. One of the pro-life powerhouses in Georgia politics today is Senator Renee Unterman.
Both of these House Committee Chairmen (Juvenile Justice &Judiciary, respectively) have had our legislation dealing with protecting women and children from rapists in their hands. Both of them worked hard on this issue and made the bills they heard stronger and more protective for women and children. Should the governor’s pen stroke send SB 331 into law, its comprehensive impact will be a direct result of their influence.
That’s all for this week. If you have any questions, email Joshua at joshuaedmonds@grtl.org or Johnny at johnnycrist@grtl.org!
Joshua & Johnny