Step one – If you are seeking the Georgia Right To Life (GRTL) PAC  endorsement, please read the PAC Pro-Life Principles in order to familiarize yourself with our mission statement, pro-life strategies, and legislative intentions.

Step two – If you agree with the Pro-Life Principles, complete and return the GRTL PAC Personhood Affirmation, Q&A and Survey;  (by fax at 770-339-1711 or by email at Your signature indicates your full agreement with where we stand on the important sanctity of life issues of our day.

Step three – Local GRTL members will contact you for an interview so you can begin developing relationships with the pro-life grassroots in your area. This will also enable us to familiarize ourselves with you and your beliefs regarding the sanctity of life.

After these steps have been completed the GRTL PAC will review all the information and will make an endorsement decision. You will be notified by email if you have received the endorsement. It is very important that you assist us by following these PAC procedures. You are NOT endorsed until you receive an email explicitly stating that you have been endorsed by the GRTL PAC. Until you receive confirmation of our endorsement, you are NOT permitted to use our logo, quotes from our staff or board members, or claim a GRTL endorsement in your campaign material.

Benefits of Endorsement

  • Your name will be listed on the GRTL PAC website which communicates that you agree to publicly uphold the aforementioned principles and positions.
  • Access through a third party to the extensive GRTL database for mailings and phone calls.
  • The opportunity to be introduced and speak at GRTL functions.
  • The security of knowing that if you run for the same office in the next election cycle, you are in good standing, and you sign the Personhood Affirmation again, that you will receive an outright GRTL PAC endorsement.

When the candidate uses the GRTL PAC list to communicate to GRTL constituents, the candidate agrees to the following.

  • No critical statements regarding the candidates’ opponents.
  • No fundraising messages to GRTL constituents.
  • Must mention GRTL PAC endorsement.

To all pro-life candidates running in opposition to pro-life incumbents in good standing:

It is the longstanding policy of the Georgia Right To Life PAC to protect and work on behalf of pro-life incumbents in good standing. They have demonstrated their support of the GRTL legislative agenda and will have had a consistent pro-life voting record. It has been our unfortunate experience that some candidates have, in the past, stated their pro-life convictions, only to have failed to vote accordingly in the glare of political pressures. This is why we will ALWAYS support a tried and tested pro-life incumbent over an untested pro-life challenger. There are NO exceptions to this policy.